Wednesday, February 17, 2016

This I Believe ... (9-1-11)

I believe in 'Love'

and a man providing it.

Not in the cliche idea of a relationship/partnership, because that works both ways,
but in the form of the unrecognized, under appreciated 'Father'.

Being a 'man' is defined by many things
but frequently overlooked by the possibility of how they love, protect, and nurture their children...

I believe in talking to God and what it does for me (sing)

I believe in thinking out loud.

I believe in words and music therapy...

I judge so many things,
then I don't voice them.
I tell myself (convince, but not really)
it's/ they're not important to share my thoughts with ...

why don't I care for people,

but then I care so much ...

I believe, We don't question a lot of things.

We Accept,