Sunday, May 31, 2015

Damn I'm Deep

Don't ever walk away from me...
I'll definitely let you run go.
God prepare me for the day I'll run...
After you.

The idea of IF you were mine, you could potentially be a heart break
Because I love all of you with everything and not just my mind...
I went into this blind --> it just fucking happened ...

I'm scared too --> Not of you --> of Love.

Yesterday ...

Dear you:

I care for you. Beyond why or how you may think I do. I admire and believe in you, and all of your amazing potential. I see part of me in you and I want to protect you. I want to be around for your growing and be a part of your life. Why? because I care for you.

This is not limited to how we met and our circumstances. It's beyond and beside that. Regardless of wherever that takes us, I care for you as an individual and I will love you. Yes, maybe these feelings were introduced because of that but they definitely didn't stay or develop because of it. Me caring for you is separate. I want you to know that and believe it.

I want you to know that I only have your best interest in mind when I talk to you, about you.
That I only wish and pray for the best for and of you- even if it doesn't include me. My love for you isn't about me. I love you- and You is the key word in that phrase ... I. Will. Love. You.

As long as for always you're you with me.
Not exactly how I met you because people are going to grow and develop. But, if you stay true throughout that, you're only going to get more amazing and I'll always be around, to love ...

Saturday, May 30, 2015

9/8/11 ... Who Are You?

Who am I?
I Don't even know me so why do people judge me.

I am King.

I am complexed simplicity.

I am ever growing and evolving-
a continuum, not a constant.

I am a young lady
open to growth and experiences.

I know that who I am now is not set in stone
but it is a solid concrete foundation.

I'm not fake.
Sometimes I'm too real...

I could be batman.

I am Gerilee Nini Rosado

When I was younger I thought those were 2 different people
Now I'm merging them to be one.

I am the Best ... will be the best.
Better than Batman. ;)

What is Rain? *unknown original date

Afraid of the rain and the challenges it brangs.
the idea that the troubles of yesterday no longer exist

but the darkness of tomorrow have us fearful and in hiding
hovering under, enlightening ourselves about our worries.

Afraid of the rain and the changes it brangs...

Love hurts you,
Love heals you,
Love builds you
and breaks you ... Have I met love, in the rain?

Effective communication starts with listening.
yet, it's crazy how we're so eager to talk.

8/6/13... Me Sientes ?

I wanna write a poem that everyone can relate to.
A poem that stimulates some emotional connection
That sings to your ears,
Cuddles your heart,
and triggers your feet
To stand up, shoving your mouth to yell
"I feel you"
... you feel me?

Friday, May 8, 2015


This is nuts. When I decided I would start blogging, I planned it all out with a theme to have the first entires flow, artistically. But then, I opened up one of my journals (because writers keep like 7 at a time) and read a past, brief, thought I just HAD TO SHARE because it legit had me floored! and even I couldn't believe I had written it. I reread it trying to see where I wrote the author I was quoting it from, but nada, just a date ...

From August 29, 2014 ...

What is Love ?

A mature answer would be support, friendship, understanding, trust.
But really, Love is a level 10 Hurricane. A Tsunami.
Something you can't plan for and happens out of nowhere. Mostly when you least expect it.
It ambushes your life.
From a far it's beautiful to look at. You're mesmerized and frozen.
Then BAMB!
You're taken under this whirlpool, just trying to breathe and think straight.
What was life before this and what would be life after this?
A Tsunami of love ...
Will you survive?
